At KOULLIAS Hotels we place great emphasis on ensuring the health and safety of our guests, employees and those who may be affected by the activities of our hotels.
For this reason:
- We fully comply with current legislation and industry requirements on occupational health and safety issues.
- We regularly confirm that both our staff and our external contractors are competent and appropriately trained for the work assigned to them.
- We adequately identify potential risks from the operation of our hotels and implement both preventative and deterrent measures to ensure a safe environment, including:
i) Preparation of contingency plans to deal with emergency risks/conditions.
(ii) Ongoing training of staff and, where necessary, appropriate health and safety information for visitors with tailored instructions as appropriate.
(iii) Provision of appropriate work equipment and personal protective equipment to employees as appropriate to their duties.
iv) Adherence to specific procedures relating to the receipt, storage, preservation, processing and disposal of food, beverages, chemicals and any raw materials and substances used and consumed within our hotels.
(v) Conducting the required - based on manufacturer's specifications - maintenance on all equipment.
vi) Placement of safety signage in all hotel areas to warn/direct guests and employees in case of danger.
(vii) Conducting regular checks and drills to ensure the proper functioning of firefighting equipment, fire alarm systems and the emergency plan maintained by the establishment.
Eleni Basi

At KOULLIAS Hotels we have recognized our share of responsibility for the preservation of the natural resources of Kos and our planet in general. In this context, we apply procedures aimed at protecting the natural environment, limiting any negative impact created by the operation of our hotels.
These procedures define:
- Regular control and recording of the quality of the water used.
- Systematic recording of energy, water, carbon, and chemical consumption to ensure their rational use.
- Safe disposal of hazardous waste and the systematic recycling of other waste in appropriate and approved management facilities.
- The protection and enhancement of local biodiversity.
- Setting measurable targets and adopting the necessary measures to achieve them.
- Continuous training of staff in sustainable management.
- Effectively informing customers about environmental issues so that they actively contribute to the achievement of our respective goals.
- Collaboration with all stakeholders - customers, staff, suppliers, local community, and peer companies - for a more holistic approach to environmental issues.
- Periodically review our hotels' policies, procedures, and operating standards to ensure they are responsive to ever-changing conditions.
- Full compliance with relevant legislation.
Our environmental objectives are:
  • Reducing fossil fuel use and energy use.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption through investments in renewable technologies and carbon offset programs.
  • Reducing drinking water consumption, including through the replacement of water-intensive equipment and improved irrigation methods.
  • Reducing the consumption of detergents and eliminating the use of bleach.
  • Use of organic fertilizers and herbicides in gardens.
  • Reduction of waste production, including through optimization of supplies, upgrading of recycling and implementation of composting and other solutions.
  • Reduction and elimination of plastic use.
  • Protection of biodiversity and promotion of endemic plants.

Eleni Basi
At KOULLIAS Hotels we recognize and defend all human rights as defined in the 1948 United Nations General Assembly Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In particular:
  • We believe that all people, regardless of color, age, appearance, gender, religion, nationality, sexual preference, cultural background or disability, should be treated fairly and with respect.
  • We respect the individuality of each employee and ensure a non-discriminatory and non-harassing working environment that provides equal opportunities for advancement. We seek to create a working relationship based on dialogue and cooperation.
  • We have established a code of conduct that requires professionalism, respect for colleagues, responsible social and ethical behavior and condemns any verbal, psychological and sexual harassment.
  • We have simple and clear procedures in place for both misconduct (and/or breaches of the Code of Conduct) and employee complaints, which are always available to all employees.
  • We inform employees of their terms and conditions of employment and their employment rights, such as their right to join any union or professional association they wish, and all employees receive a signed copy of their employment contract.
  • We promote the professional development, skills development and knowledge enrichment of our employees by providing appropriate training programmes. In this way we support them from their initial employment and throughout their careers in our hotels.
Eleni Basi
At KOULLIAS Hotels we value our guests and that is why we offer them high quality accommodation and leisure services that not only meet their expectations, but also exceed them.
Our quality assurance procedures include:
  • Regular monitoring, collection and evaluation of guest feedback from any communication channel (in-house or online).
  • Working closely with travel agents to obtain relevant feedback on their level of customer satisfaction.
  • Establishing a specific complaints procedure and ongoing training of our employees in relation to handling requests and/or complaints from guests so that they can offer solutions as promptly as possible.
  • Continuous training and education of employees in their job scope in order to improve the quality of the services they provide.
  • Regular monitoring of all internal procedures and communicating the degree of achievement of quality indicators to all staff through meetings of each department.
Although the General Manager has the general, final responsibility for all services offered, all employees take on the part that corresponds to their own job, thus contributing to the integration of a culture of quality in the day-to-day operation of the hotels.
Eleni Basi
At KOULLIAS Hotels we are sensitive to issues concerning the safety and protection of children (defined as persons under the age of 18) as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Realizing our important role in the early detection of all forms of child exploitation and abuse, we are committed to providing a safe and pleasant environment for all children within the jurisdiction of our hotels.
Indicative forms of child exploitation and abuse that will not be tolerated under any circumstances:
- Physical, psychological and/or verbal violence regardless of whether it comes from other guests or employees - whether adults or minors - in the hotels, even from parents or guardians themselves.
- Neglect and/or inadequate supervision for periods of time that may endanger the physical or mental health of children.
- Sexual abuse and/or exploitation whether or not children perceive it as such.
- Assignment of work intended for adults only or without appropriate conditions for their protection.
To ensure the above:
- Appropriate training is provided to staff to enable them to understand and deal with such incidents appropriately.
- In the event that any situation is identified that could put the welfare of a child at risk we are committed to informing the relevant authorities and appropriate child protection non-governmental organisations and in particular by calling the “CHAMOGELO TOU PAIDIOU” (Smile of the Child) at 1056.
- It is strictly forbidden to employ minors -under 16 years of age- in KOULLIAS hotels. At the same time, we pledge that in the event that persons between 16 and 18 years of age are employed, this will be done in accordance with international conventions for the protection of children and the relevant national legislation will be strictly observed.
Eleni Basi
KOULLIAS hotels contribute to the strengthening of the local community and the preservation of its cultural heritage. We believe that by making a positive contribution to the local economy and respecting the needs of the surrounding community, we can achieve a more enriching travel experience for our hotel guests. In addition, for the most part our staff are part of the local community.
Towards this end:
  • We are committed to maintaining a close relationship with the local community, respecting the particularities and sensitivities of the residents, and seeking an honest and open dialogue with them on everything that concerns them in relation to the operation of our hotels.
  • We promote the traditions, cultural events, historical and cultural monuments of the area, as well as any activity that can contribute to the qualitative upgrading of the tourist destination, such as farms, wineries, traditional taverns, etc.
  • We choose as far as possible, local businesses for the supply of services and especially local products of the primary sector, such as olive oil, vegetables/fruits, cheese, fresh fish and meat, strengthening the local economy and at the same time offering the unique taste experience of the Mediterranean diet to our visitors.
  • We prefer to employ staff who permanently reside in the surrounding areas to maximize the socio-economic benefits to the local community.
  • We actively support the local community by making donations and contributions in cash or in kind to various charities, associations, and organisations in the area.
Eleni Basi
At KOULLIAS HOTELS, we are committed to promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility in every aspect of our operations. This Sustainable Procurement Policy outlines our commitment to sourcing products and services that align with our sustainability goals. We aim to minimize our sustainability footprint, support the local community, and contribute positively to the preservation of Kos’ and Greece’s natural beauty.
ENERGY SOLUTIONS / MANAGEMENT: a. Prioritizing Green Energy: We commit to prioritizing the procurement of energy from renewable sources, predominantly solar power, for resort operations, within the framework and possibilities provided by the legislation. In this way, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% compared to the base year 2019, in accordance with the National Climate Law. b. Promoting Energy Efficiency: We commit to give priority to the acquisition of energy-efficient appliances, lighting and equipment to reduce energy consumption, in line with the purchasing evaluation criteria we have defined.
RESPONSIBLE FOOD SOURCING: α. Promotion of local and lower carbon products: Our procurement policy prioritizes locally produced, seasonal products, both to support regional farmers and to minimize the carbon footprint associated with the production and transportation of products. b. Support organic and ethical sourcing: We aim to use organic and ethical food products, thereby promoting fair trade practices and reducing harmful pesticide and chemical use. This approach not only enhances our menus, but also enriches our guests' experiences. c. Addressing food waste. The food service team is systematically trained in mitigating food waste and through tracking programs, we monitor performance.
SUPPORTING LOCAL SERVICES AND PRODUCTS: α. Promoting the local community: We actively create partnerships with local businesses and service providers, stimulating the local economy and creating a positive impact on the community. b. Promote handmade goods: in the procurement of souvenirs and gifts, we highlight local arts and traditions, promoting cultural diversity and heritage preservation.
PRACTICING RESPONSIBLE WASTE MANAGEMENT: α. Use of sustainable packaging: We work with suppliers who advocate environmentally friendly and recyclable packaging materials, thereby reducing the production of plastic waste. b. We prioritise waste reduction: our procurement policy supports products and services that encourage waste and plastic reduction, recycling and circular economy principles. Our operations are fully committed to responsible waste management and recycling.
PROMOTE CONSERVATION OF WATER RESOURCES: a. Investing in efficient water use equipment: Ensure water saving equipment is installed in accordance with the requirements set out by Travelife and other environmental management systems. b. We implement water saving initiatives: We select suppliers who actively implement water saving initiatives and support responsible water use.
REGULAR MONITORING AND EVALUATION: a. Establish performance metrics: we set sustainability goals and regularly monitor and evaluate the environmental impact of our sourcing practices. b. Ensure continuous improvement: Guided by our evaluations, we aim to continuously improve our procurement processes in line with the promotion of sustainable practices.
Through this Sustainable Procurement Policy, we affirm our commitment to creating a sustainable future, where our business operations enhance not only our guests' experiences but also contribute positively to the wider world.
Eleni Basi
Mastichari - Kos Island, Dodecanese, Greece 85302
Phone: +30 22420 59343, Reservations: +30 22420 30104, Fax: +30 22420 59342
email: info@achilleasbeachhotel.com
MHTE: 1070013
© 2024 Achilleas Beach Hotel. All rights reserved.